Last week we witnessed the epic 2015 Mille Miglia tour, covered heavily in the media by motoring journalists, as they dropped their usual routines to drive around the beautifully stunning and mountainous terrain of Italy in classic motors. Only the cars selected from the models which took part in the original race can participate in the Mille Miglia, and many teams enter from all over the world. All desperate to relive an experience that they have grown-up reading about.
Just over 60 years ago, on 1st May 1955, a 25 year old Stirling Moss, partnered with Denis Jenkinson and won the Mille Miglia in a Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR – number 722. The pair drove flat-out for a little over 10 hours on the public roads. Averaging 98 mph, at a time when most cars would struggle to reach 70 mph. This is recognised as one of the greatest driving feats ever accomplished, and their record still remains unbeaten today.
60 years later and Sir Stirling Moss has been reunited with the 300 SLR number 722, on the very same roads on which he won all those years ago. You can watch the video below, with thanks to Petrolicious.
Image source: sparetomato / Flickr

Hayley has been an automotive writer for almost a decade, and is the editor of a popular UK motoring blog, as well as writing for DDR Surrey Mercedes Specialist. She specialises in Mercedes-Benz and dreams of one day owning a Mercedes AMG A45.