If you’re anything like us, your Mercedes is your pride and joy and you’ll definitely want to keep it protected over winter. While cars are built to withstand a wide range of temperatures, the season can be particularly rough and any extra care you can take will have its benefits. With salt and dirt on the roads, to icy temperatures and even snow, proper care of your Mercedes will keep it looking perfect and running smoothly. So, where do you start?
Don’t Completely Forgo Cleaning Your Car
When temperatures drop and the days get shorter, it can be easy to forgo washing your car for the whole of winter. Between on and off rain that can make cleaning seem pointless, to low temperatures that can put you off of standing outside for too long, it’s easy to completely ignore the cleanliness of your car for a few months. However, with the salt on the roads during icy months, to the build-up of general dirt and debris from relentless rain and snow, the bodywork and features of your car can suffer. A quick clean a couple of times over winter can help to prevent harmful salt buildup or rusting.
Keep A Winter Safety Kit Packed At All Times
Having a winter safety kit in your boot at all times is crucial not only for your car’s safety, but for your safety and comfort too. Even the most thoroughly cared for Mercedes can suffer in icy or snowy conditions – you could get stuck in standstill traffic after a sudden weather change, the cold weather could affect your engine, or you could face something as simple as a frosty windscreen after a trip to the supermarket. Your winter safety kit should include:
- Antifreeze
- Spare Oil
- Snow Scraper/Brush
- Torch and Batteries
- Whistle
- First Aid Kit
- Jumper Cables
- Blankets
- Sanitiser/Wipes
- Atlas
- Breakdown Service Contact Information
- Cash
- Bottled Water
- Non-Perishable Food
- Entertainment (e.g. book, playing cards)
You could also consider adding flares or even candles if you regularly drive in low-lit or rural areas.
Get Your Car Serviced And Checked Before The Weather Turns
The cold and wet weather can put a lot of strain on your Mercedes and it’s always better to make sure your car is in top condition before it has to go through that kind of pressure. One icy night could turn a stressed radiator pipe from flexible rubber to a brittle material that is more prone to cracks and leaks. Having your car fully serviced before winter can really kick in could be the difference between simply paying for a service, or having to pay for vehicle recovery and repair after shivering by the roadside while waiting for your broken-down car to be picked up. It’s also the perfect opportunity to make sure that your lights are in good working condition and that your tyres are all-weather or winter ready. It can be incredibly dangerous driving on the wrong or worn-down tyres at the best of times, but this increases tenfold during icy conditions.
Check Your Windscreen Wipers And Fluid
Most windscreen wash in the UK tends to come with anti-freeze properties, but it’s not guaranteed. Before winter kicks in, you should make sure that your windscreen wash not only has anti-freeze included but is fully topped up. You’ll need it as the cars in front of you kick up dirt and salt from the roads! The right fluid can even help you break down light layers of frost in a pinch if you don’t have access to an ice scraper in an emergency, but it’s not advisable to do this often or you risk damaging your windscreen wipers. You should also consider replacing your windscreen wipers before winter starts to give your Mercedes windscreen the best treatment this winter. They should be changed periodically anyway, but changing them before winter will give you a clear, smear-free view when it matters most.
For more information about our Mercedes Benz servicing and how we can help you this winter, we are on hand to help. Simply get in touch with a member of our team, today.